The Prisoner

It was only another day. There was nothing special about it. Mornings happened to Carla, often by surprise. She lay her head down on the pillow at night. Then without any warning, it was morning again. She had dreams, of course. Deep involved dreams that took her to lands and places she had never knownContinue reading “The Prisoner”

Not Unusual in Itself

Ryan didn’t believe it. That was not unusual in itself. There were a good many things Ryan didn’t believe in, such as astrology, healing crystals, ideologies, Gaia, religions, politics, ghosts, reality television, fate, and several other things he was too busy not to believe in at the moment. However, he did believe in an externalContinue reading “Not Unusual in Itself”

The Ballad of the String Vest Kid

It was the first Tuesday of the week when the String Vest Kid rode into town. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch him. Even Dirty Betty, over at the saloon, saw him arrive and she was being paid double to do that thing with a banjo on her knee that all the oldContinue reading “The Ballad of the String Vest Kid”

Career Change

‘Anyway. So this is the beginning, is it?’ Yes. ‘Not much to look at, is there?’ It is early days yet. As you said, it is the beginning. ‘Not got off to a very good start, though, has it?’ Well, if you hadn’t interru- ‘Are you saying it is my fault?’ Well, no need toContinue reading “Career Change”

At the Well

There was a time when I used to watch for them. I could tell them by that look in their eyes. They had a look of disappointment in them. As though the world they looked upon was not the world they’d hoped for, or wanted. I saw so many of them in the villages goingContinue reading “At the Well”

When the Future Comes

Spending too much time looking back runs the risk of tripping and falling into the future. Shella was not ready for the world to come to her out of the yet to come. She was too busy looking back over her shoulder, fearing the Northmen would come for her, riding out of her nightmares ofContinue reading “When the Future Comes”

An Ordinary World

Sometimes it gets hard to remember how it used to be. The past takes on some semblance of dream half remembered, fading as the dawn’s light illuminates the present and turns the past into a morning mist that fades and is gone. The mornings take on a routine again, not the same routine as itContinue reading “An Ordinary World”

The Writing Life

It was one of those times. Times when there was nothing to say. But he was a writer, he was not going to let that stop him. There was a page here, waiting to be filled with words. So, he would fill it full of words. It was what he did. Except that… Maybe notContinue reading “The Writing Life”

When the Dreams Don’t Let Go

Sometimes the night holds on too tight. The dreams are reluctant to let us go, they hold us there in a world we know is not our own, but we’re unable to find the route back to this world we call real. There have been dreamers lost in the night, even as the long summerContinue reading “When the Dreams Don’t Let Go”

It’s a Job

Sometimes there are too many alternatives, too many ways to go. Possibilities multiply upon themselves with each potential choice. Sometimes there is no best alternative and it is a choice between the least worst options. Sometimes it happens that the choice offered is really no choice at all. Rella knew all this, and still sheContinue reading “It’s a Job”

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